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 Traffic / Parking Studies 

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Quantum Traffic takes great pride in producing high quality and thorough traffic and parking studies for a wide range of applications. We can professionally create reports and communicate traffic engineering concepts to a broad audience. 

What is a Traffic/Parking Study?

A Traffic / Parking Study seeks to review a specific area or issue and develop engineering solutions.  The subject of these studies can vary; however, they typically include schools, hospitals, shopping centres and many other high traffic areas.

The usual process for a Traffic / Parking study is the collection of traffic and/or parking data, investigation of the key issues, development of potential engineering solutions and the preparation of high-quality reports to summarise findings.

A Traffic / Parking study can also include a stakeholder consultation, typically to assist with the identification of the key issues or the development of the solutions.

When is a Traffic/Parking Study Needed?


A Traffic / Parking Study is typically undertaken by the council to address a specific area or issue in their municipality.  Often the council may have undertaken prior investigations, but may not have fully explored the issue, or may not have fully satisfied the stakeholders.

The conducting of a formal study allows for all issues to be fully considered by an independent traffic engineer. Studies are then utilised to make decisions and evaluate the current situation, as well as implementing improvements within an area. 


Why Choose Quantum Traffic?


Quantum Traffic takes great pride in our technical ability, with our senior staff having a wealth of experience across many challenging projects.  Critically, the solutions we develop are practical and can be easily implemented by the council.

Our skills in stakeholder engagement also provide great value in Traffic / Parking studies, allowing us to communicate many complex traffic engineering concepts to a wide audience.

As with all Quantum Traffic projects, our reporting and documentation are second to none.  You can rely on us to provide reports suitable for council meetings and distribution to the local community. Along with our braid range of services, you can rely on Quantum Traffic to produce studies which are detailed and timely.


We'd love to discuss your project. Get in touch with the professional team to talk about your traffic and parking study needs.


For a free, no-obligation quote, call us now on (04) 39 893 288, or fill in our simple contact form.


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